Outlast Horror Games


Horror 2

Okay, if we are going to simply talk “jump scares,” one could easily bring up how effective the Five Nights At Freddy’s games have been. But let’s point out a shining example in the genre, Outlast, where you find yourself in an asylum filled with all sorts of bloodthirsty crazies. But besides that, you can’t really fend them off – all you can try to do is find a way to survive, and even that doesn’t come easy, because you never know what’s lurking around the corner. Outlast perfectly nails its dark, blood-curdling nature, and the scares come often and aplenty. The sequel’s not bad, but if you really want to challenge yourself from pooping like crazy, the original is the best way to go. Oh, and turn off the lights for this one – we guarantee a few screams well into the night.

Alien: Isolation

Horror 2

While we’re talking sneaking around and trying to stay out of harm’s way, we might as well talk about the best Alien game to hit the franchise since Konami made the Aliens arcade game back in the 80’s. Isolation puts you on a ship loaded with the creepy little things, which will stop at nothing to hunt you down once you’ve been spotted. That’s why it’s vital to use your survival resources the best you can, so you can stay out of harm’s way. Even if you think you’re invincible with a flamethrower in your hand, these things happily remind you that you’re not. The game has dividends in fan service (even more so than Alien: Covenant), and it’s just plain scary to play. Tell us you didn’t freak out when an alien caught you and shredded you with its extended jaws.